554. Hamburg (The Steel Helmut, League of Front Soldiers / Der Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten)

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606.1 Hessisch Oldendorf (City / Stadt)




25 Pf, 50 Pf, 75 Pf, 1 Mk


Thin white paper, 3 Sterne im Sechseck watermark

606.2 Hessisch Oldendorf (City / Stadt)


Like 606.1


25 Pf, 50 Pf, 75 Pf, 1 Mk


Thicker chamois paper

407.3 Gardelegen (Commercial Association / Kaufmännischer Verein)


No watermark, without underprint on back 407.3a) 5 Pf, 25 Pf, 50 Pf, black print on back 407.3b) 50 Pf, blue-gray print on face and back 407.3c) 50 Pf, black print on face, blue-gray print on back, red denomination on face 407.3d) 50 Pf, like 407.3c, with orange denomination on face

407.4 Gardelegen (Commercial Association / Kaufmännischer Verein)


With underprint on back, gray-olive to brown.

407.5 Gardelegen (Commercial Association / Kaufmännischer Verein)


No watermark, without underprint on back. 407.5a) Without printing company name. Paper colors: 1. White, 2. Dull pink, 3. Blue, 4. Green. 407.5b) With printing company name. Paper colors: 1. White, 2. Dull pink, 3. Blue, 4. Green. F1) Misprint: 10 Pf (white paper), without marbling pattern or printing company name on face. F2) Like F1, but with printing company name.

407.6 Gardelegen (Commercial Association / Kaufmännischer Verein)


With underprint on back. 407.6a) Without printing company name. Paper colors: 1. White, 2. Dull pink, 3. Blue, 4. Green. 407.6b) With printing company name. Paper colors: 1. White, 2. Dull pink, 3. Blue, 4. Green. F) Misprint: 10 Pf (white paper), without marbling pattern on face, with printing company name.